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What makes a decent website?

10 Jun

What are your favourite websites?  Why do you like them?  Your attention is being fought over by millions (indeed, squillions) of web pages, and you’ve picked those ones.  I can bet you the reasons you like those websites are because:

  1. They give you what you want
  2. You find them pretty easy to use
  3. They’re interesting
  4. You feel fairly satisfied when you leave – but not quite enough not to return again.

That’s what a good website is about.  However, there are so many things that prevent people from staying on websites and buying the products, using the services or even reading the information found there, if indeed that’s what the site is for.

It’s the same as if you were baking the perfect pie – you’d have to get the right balance of ingredients for it to taste good and for you to want more.  Websites need the right mix of attractiveness, ease of use, relevant and interesting content and engaging words to make you stick around.  Otherwise you get bored and leave.

If you’re interested in finding out more about what makes good web copy, what makes people stay on websites and a bit of social media and SEO info, stay tuned.